

A new kind of agency. Point, made.

Nexus is a unique kind of agency.
Born from a need for strategic & content services within the natural resources sector, they come with deeply entrenched expertise.

A collective of topic-expert writers, strategists and marketers, with a readership network of more than 3 million people in the industry.

Their teams know the space. And they know how to get to the point.

a Unique position

Unlike many agencies, Nexus’ point of difference lies in their complete end-to-end offering. Initially in the mining, agriculture and resources sectors, and with ambition to extend this into broader markets.

Not only do they develop topic–focussed rich content, from C-Suite speeches & whitepapers, to podcasts and integrated digital comms, they also take care of production and distribution via a multi–million strong readership of owned leading publications in the spaces they play.

Meaning they don’t just know what they’re talking about, they know their clients better than they know themselves. If you have something to say, you can guarantee they’ll get the word(s) out for you.

A new name

Previously known as Content Marketing Works, and operating as a siloed division of their parent company, rebranding as Nexus opens them up to the new. Refocusses their vision. Gives them license to tell new stories.

The notion of being the connector between ‘ideas’ and ‘audience’ informed the strategy, and is expressed by the line, ‘Point, made.’ Two words loaded with meaning, and that are incredibly sticky. It gives their tone a confidence and lends itself to flexible messaging structures.

Bringing the strategy to life is a crafted, yet purposefully minimalistic identity that juxtaposes the precision and perspicacity of their topic experts with the rough imperfections of the natural world. Hand-sketched illustrations against sharp typography and clean layouts.

Getting to the point

Championed by Pointer, a charming canine mascot (a pointer breed, of course) who embodies the core of why they exist as an agency — he skilfully seeks out ‘the point’ to be made, whatever it might be, wherever it might be hiding.

There were so many traits of the Pointer breed that aligned with the brand strategy, it just made sense! (And who doesn’t love dogs?).

We purposefully leaned into an editorial inspired style of illustration to really tap into the idea of engaging storytelling. Pointer is really the hidden charm of the brand who helps to drive ‘the point’ in an otherwise stripped back brand identity.

Michelle Jin,Senior Designer

In his world also lives a hand-sketched collection of industry metaphors that have a ‘point’ hidden among them, it might be perched atop a rock or masquerading as a digit in a data cloud, but it’s always there. You just have to know where to look.

A single colour, electric blue, punctuates the brand. Chosen for it’s energised tone it draws attention where needed and allows Nexus to get to the point, from boldly highlighting results to end-marks that finish case studies. A no–nonsense palette for a to-the-point brand.

Nexus is a B2B agency with a distinct advantage and the SomeOne team did a fantastic job of exuding meaning and personality into everything we do. They say that everybody has a story to tell, and SomeOne has helped us tell ours. Point, made.

Josh RobertsonChief Marketing Officer, Nexus

Thanks to Josh Robertson, Abi Obasanya and the rest of the Nexus team.

SomeOne team
Rebecca Bosustow — Client Services Director
Michelle Jin — Lead Designer
Julien Bertouille — Senior Designer
Tom Dabner — Creative Director