Evoke Projects


A well placed brand for creators of Well–Places™️.

Evoke is a creative interior development company. Different by design, they are one of the few independent outfits that tackle spatial projects end-to-end, meaning they both design the concept and manage the build — ensuring the dream matches the delivery.

Over the years their offering has developed organically, so SomeOne were brought on to help Evoke better articulate why they do what they do, the way they do it and develop a brand that fits this narrative and differentiates them from their competitors.

Something that has remained since their founding 30 years ago is their holistic approach. One designed to better set people up for success. It’s not about the spaces they create, but about the places they become and the communities that are enabled to thrive in them.

Designed to do well

It’s one thing to talk a big game when it comes to designing spaces for and with people in mind, but it’s another to actually back it up with scientific proof. This is where Evoke stands out against competing spatial design firms.

They do this by designing with WELL in mind; ‘WELL’ being a set of research-backed principles including air quality, thermal comfort, environmental impact and levels of natural light, that are proven to improve occupant wellbeing and productivity. In other words, they are better equipped to succeed.

In-depth interviews and workshops with the Evoke team and a selection of their clients (uncovering their ‘special sauce’) informed the brand idea. ‘Creators of Well–places™’, sets the tone for the brand and helps to differentiate them in a market packed with the same ‘buzz-word’ messaging (people first, human centric, community-minded), that all sound great, but are meaningless without the proof to back up the claims.

Well–places™️, an Evoke trademarked approach, are demonstrable. By showing how they integrate WELL into each place project gives weight to their narrative.

Julien Bertouille,Lead Designer

Each element of the accompanying design system works in harmony with the geometry of the logo; the typeface balances between hard angles and playful quirks; iconography visually expresses what makes a ‘well–place’, and is constructed to match the typeface; and the colour palette leans into calm, WELL inspired tones.

A well–placed visual identity

The logo is championed by a smile-in-the-mind symbol. An E crafted from a simple square with a variety of shifting apertures designed on first glance to reflect an abstract floorplan layout, and when inspected closer reveals in some instances a simple silhouette of a person, and in others a half smile. Its adaptability is also a nod to their team and its variety of personality.

Paired with a custom geometric typemark, the letters that spell their name mimic the shapes found in the various Es and are visually palindromic in their arrangement, bookended by round shapes with angled characters nestled within.

Oatmeal Sans was chosen for it’s geometry and personality. It throws our angles where they aren’t expected in a balance of precision-engineering meets human intervention.

Muted earthen colours keep the brand grounded and have been inspired by paint shades often associated with wellbeing and composure. And a bright, yet carefully deployed tone of voice tells stories of ‘what makes WELL’, punctuating the brand throughout with gems of experience, differentiation and passion.

WELL practices had guided their work for so long the term had become commonplace to them, but for us hearing it for the first time it was undeniably clear it gave them an edge — something to own. Creators of Well–places was born, and we encouraged them to trademark it, quickly!

Tom DabnerCreative Director

Thanks to Jerry Kennard, Rebecca Reid, Eliza Shedden and the rest of the Evoke team for their trust and collaboration.

Creative Director — Tom Dabner
Client Services Director — Rebecca Bosustow
Lead Designer — Julien Bertouille
Senior Designer — Michelle Jin

Website build — Andrew Cunneen
Motion — Ben Holden